Wednesday 3 September 2014

10 Reasons WWE Is Better Than Your Real Life 8

8. Face Paint Is Common And Acceptable

Ordinary people wear face paint for one of two reasons; either they’re in the circus or they’re stone cold crazy. While both may be true in WWE, the fact is that those guys not only get away with it, it’s accepted.
However, when was the last time you went for dinner and was served by a guy painted up like Sting? The fact is that face painted Superstars have almost always gotten over to the moon in WWE. From The Legion of Doom to The Ultimate Warrior to Goldust; paint, plus character, has always equaled big business in the company. However,
Out in the so-called real world? Not so much. Imagine if it was accepted. Being able to wear a different face, to escape your everyday existence, to become someone else and spend random days through the week as another character. Unfortunately if you do that in the real world, you will probably be admitted for psychiatric evaluation. That’s one more point in favor of WWE.


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