Wednesday 3 September 2014

10 Reasons WWE Is Better Than Your Real Life 7

7. A Live Crowd Cheers Its Support

A good support system is crucial to leading a happy life. To have friends and family that love and support you through the good and bad times means everything and can make the difference between just living life or loving life.
How many times have you really been supported on a grand scale? For Superstars in WWE, the answer to that is all the time. From a major return to a run-in to a big main event match; the crowd is always there to support its favorites and cheer them on to victory. Imagine getting that kind of pop in everyday life.
Going for a morning workout would never be the same again. Going for a job interview would take on a whole new meaning. Everywhere you went, a pumped up audience would be there to cheer you on. With that kind of support system, who needs friends?
To hear a gathering of fans chant your name, to believe in you when no one else does, that is the dream of any true WWE fan. Being able to translate that response from WWE to the real world, that is worth its weight in gold.


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