Wednesday 3 September 2014

10 Reasons WWE Is Better Than Your Real Life 9

9. It’s Obvious Who The Bad Guy Is

Too often in life, it’s extremely hard to know who to trust. People that appear to be your friends could be up to no good behind your back and those that seem untrustworthy could actually be there for you when you least expect it. For WWE Superstars, lies and deceit are the order of the day more often than not as well.
However, the identity of the heel is hardly ever in question. The crowd can spot a villain from a mile away, mostly because of the overtly obvious tactics he or she employs on the mic and in the ring. In that environment, good and bad is as clear as black and white.
If only real life could be that predictable. If it was, then everyone would would know who the bad guys are; just look for the blowhards cutting crazy long promos telling you how great they are and how much you suck. Clearly defined roles of good and evil would be there for everyone to see so everyone would know where they stand. So then the heel can get his and in the end, the good guy wins. More on that later.


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