Thursday 7 August 2014

15 WWE Stars Who Loved To Be Hated 14

14. Kurt Angle

Everybody should have loved a guy who won an Olympic gold medal with a broken neck, right?
Kurt Angle liked to think so for a while. But his glorious music was laced with chants of ‘You Suck’ for years, which he eventually learned to ignore as he made his way to the top of the WWE roster.
His display of intensity, integrity and intelligence would end up getting under the skin of WWE fans and see him turn into one of the most irritating and annoying superstars around at the time, which was perfect for crowd heat. But Angle developed from amateur to professional wrestling terms seamlessly and was eventually given the moniker of ‘the Wrestling Machine’ – a name which he lived up to because he was consistently performing in the best matches on the card.With his relationship with TNA arguably broken, many would love to see him return to WWE for one final run – though his heel days in WWE are now all but over because he’s reached legendary status. A final bow for Kurt on the biggest stage would be best for business.


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