Thursday 7 August 2014

15 WWE Stars Who Loved To Be Hated 15

15. Batista

He’s set to return later in 2014, but Batista’s win at the Royal Rumble earlier this year didn’t quite get the reaction he was hoping for upon his return. ‘Boo-tista’ went over Roman Reigns in the 30-man over the top rope match, when many thought it should have been Daniel Bryan to steal in and take the spotlight. Bryan was after all the babyface being held down, just waiting for his moment.
Batista was vilified as a part timer who waltzed in and took the spot that the WWE Universe’s new favourite should have been afforded. But the former Evolution member is back for one final run, and should be working a full time schedule once he gets back from his Hollywood duties.Once over the initial shock of the bad reaction, Batista gave himself some advice that he would eventually ram down the throats of the audience, and that was to ‘deal with it.’ Like it or not, it was his time to go to WrestleMania and win the championship again after his hiatus. His match with Randy Orton was booked for WrestleMania 30 and it looked as though WWE were not going to give in to the calls for Bryan to be champion.
Batista has the look, has the fame and has (some of) the skills, but in the end he did a great job of carrying the heat on his back to the pay off at Mania – when Bryan got his moment. Batista even tapped out in the process.


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