Thursday 7 August 2014

15 WWE Stars Who Loved To Be Hated 10

10. The Rock

Hollywood’s blockbuster star Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is the most charismatic superstar in WWE history. But while he’s known for being one of the biggest babyfaces in the company, Rock was also well at home in the role of hated heel at several points in his career.
The Great One’s catchphrases and cocky demeanour ended up making him lovable, but Rock’s intelligence both in the ring and (especially) on the microphone puts him among the best ever. He loved to rub his greatness in our faces, and looked to take so much pleasure from making a mockery of any person in his way, or any town he was in. The Rock’s ‘Rock Concert’ of 2003 was complete television gold.His returns of the last few years have seen Rock know his role and retain his now near permanent babyface status, but with different priorities now that’s exactly what he needs to do. Mind you, he’s given us some great moments as a heel.


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