Wednesday 3 September 2014

10 Reasons WWE Is Better Than Your Real Life 4

4. Everything Is John Cena’s Fault

How many times have you had the worst day of your life? Your car broke down, you got food poisoning at lunch, your boss gave you a hard time for something that was not your fault; everything went to hell from the very beginning. Now, how many times have you been able to blame one person for all of your problems?
That’s exactly what fans and Superstars alike do in WWE. Essentially, there is one guy to blame for all the bad that happens in that company and his name is John Cena.
Cena’s run at the top of WWE will go down in company history as one of the most controversial of all time. His perceived lack of ability in the ring, combined with his stale character, frustrates fans that want more from Vince McMahon’s company. It’s because of his supposed lack of putting other guys over that has earned him the hatred of fans all over the world.
The fact is that Cena takes a lot of the blame for the problems in and around that company. How nice would it be if there was one guy you could point at after the worst day of your life and say “it’s his fault!” Unfortunately, we do not always have that luxury in real life.


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