Wednesday 3 September 2014

10 Reasons WWE Is Better Than Your Real Life 3

3. Music Accompanies An Entrance

Of all the items on this list that would be the coolest to have in real life, it’s this one. To have your own entrance music every time you enter a room; isn’t that what everyone wants?
Oftentimes, you enter a room with no one noticing. it could be a couple of friends waiting on you or it could be a room of complete strangers; much of the time, most of us just walk in and it’s no big deal. Now imagine that right before you open the door, a wicked guitar riff rings out followed by some nasty bass and drums.
Suddenly, you burst into the room and everyone notices. People stand, they cheer, they know who you are and they can’t wait to see you do your thing. It’s all thanks to the music that made them turn their heads in the first place.
Maybe you call in sick to work one day with nothing but your entrance music as a way of fooling everyone into thinking you’re actually there when you’re not. Or maybe a friend is in trouble and right when it looks like he’s down for the count, your music hits and you come in for the save.
This would definitely make even the most ordinary day seem extraordinary indeed.


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