Tuesday 12 August 2014

23 Ridiculous Lookalikes That Will Ruin WWE For You 4-3

4. Shawn Michaels & Francis Rossi

We have no idea if Shawn Michaels is a fan of legendary rock group Status Quo, but since he started putting his hair back, the world was stunned to find out that he was a dead spit of front man Francis Rossi.

3. Vince McMahon & Hoggle

Hoggle from the 1986′s movie Labyrinth probably wishes he had the power of Vince McMahon. Down trodden and ignored, he spent his time in the Labyrinth killing fairies and being the resident ”odd job” man.
He’s probably dreamed about the chance to hold enough power to fire people at will. But he will have to contend with looking like the head of WWE instead.


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