Tuesday 12 August 2014

23 Ridiculous Lookalikes That Will Ruin WWE For You 2-1

2. Mick Foley & Charles Manson

Mick Foley is one of the nicest guys out of the ring but his ring in persons like Mankind and Cactus Jack were all twisted and insane.
Fans often called him the Charles Manson of the wrestling world but we are just glad he never opted to draw a swastika on his forehead.

Honourable Mention: Undertaker & Kelsey Grammer

But as Undertaker got older, he started to morph into Kelsey Grammer.

Honourable Mention: Undertaker & Miley Cyrus

And now he has is pretty much retired, he could still do the rounds as a Miley Cyrus impersonator.


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