Sunday 17 August 2014

5 reasons why John Cena will always be a bigger WWE star than Brock Lesnar 5

#5 Wrestling schedule of both Superstars

When the year started, the WWE Universe expected to see either CM Punk or Daniel Bryan headlining SummerSlam but certain turns and twists have landed the company with a main event between John Cena and Brock Lesnar. The two superstars have all the resources needed to pull crowds all across the world but even when the WWE is gearing up for the big clash, one question remains relevant: who is better? There are many arguments that arise when this question is pitted to the fan base. No matter how Cena is received by the crowd week in and week out, he is by far a better WWE superstar when compared to Lesnar on the other side of the comparison. For people who doubt it, here are the reasons why.If you didn’t know, John Cena is older than Brock Lesnar. Considering the wrestling schedule that these two have, it would be safe to say that Cena is more willing to put his health at stake to entertain the loyal WWE fans.
Lesnar after returning from UFC has been running on a toned down schedule with only pay-per-view matches. The fans of Lesnar might argue that he is too big to work in the weekly show but someone who received an exposure from WWE is never too big.
Cena on the other hand has been working regularly with and without injuries for more than ten years now, even working in weekly shows despite his commitments outside of professional wrestling.


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