Thursday 24 July 2014

10 most richest Wrestlers of All Time 9

9. The Undertaker – Net Worth: $16 million

Longevity and headlining multiple WrestleManias is what propels Mark Calaway, ‘The Undertaker’ to this list. He’s been in the wrestling business for 30 years, and in the WWE for 22. Perhaps what’s played the biggest hand in landing his fortune is his 21-0 streak at WrestleMania. That’s 21 fat WrestleMania paycheques, as defending his streak has become the event’s main attraction year after year.

Taker is no longer a full-time performer at 48 years old. He shows up around WrestleMania, steals the show at the big event, earns his money, and goes home to rest his banged-up body. He’s earned the right to do so, as his mere presence sells tickets and pay-per-views. He’s an icon in the business and is likely down to his final few matches, but he has accumulated a nice living for himself.


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