Thursday 24 July 2014

10 most richest Wrestlers of All Time 8

8. Shawn Michaels – Net Worth: $17 million

Why wouldn’t the guy who constantly stole the show be on this list? Shawn Michaels was known as the Showstopper for good reason. Despite retiring due to a back injury in 1998, the Heart Break Kid returned better than ever in 2002 and wrestled well into his 40s. He was the best performer in the business up to the day his career ended when he put it all on the line and lost to the Undertaker at WrestleMania 26.

His career lasted about 30 years and despite going through drug problems in the 90s, Michaels cleaned up his act and had a very successful run in the WWE. He won every title there was to win, including four reigns as World Champion.

HBK has likely wrestled his last match, but retirements rarely stick in pro wrestling. There’s a slight chance we could see more of him. Every wrestling fan would welcome it.


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