Sunday 3 August 2014

Forecasting The Future Of 10 WWE Stars In Their 40s 3

3. Batista

Age: 45
Batista’s been doing a lot of interviews in the last couple of weeks and he’s made it a point to say that his career is winding down. That’s obvious. He had a great initial run in WWE for nearly a decade, then he left because he needed a break and to pursue other things. When he came back earlier this year it was reported that he had a two year deal although there were times when he would take time off like he’s doing now.
It took Batista a while to get back into the flow of things. By the second or third month he looked back to normal although then he left to promote Guardians of the Galaxy. We don’t know when he’ll be back, but it should be soon. It was also announced there’s a Guardians of the Galaxy 2 that he’ll be a part of, so that will be another break for him.
He also made it a point to say he wants his last match and feud to be a WrestleMania showdown with Triple H. Back at WrestleMania 21 nine years ago it was Batista over Triple H in the main event. That was a good rivalry. Don’t be surprised if he gets his wish with Triple H as his last match. If he stays around for two years then it would probably be WrestleMania 32.
There’s a chance he could get pushed to the main event level again, but the best thing for him may just be to work with the younger guys whether he’s a heel or face. He doesn’t really need another WWE Title run.


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