Sunday 3 August 2014

Forecasting The Future Of 10 WWE Stars In Their 40s 4

4. Goldust

Age: 45
He’s the only guy on here that hasn’t been a WWE or World Champion. He won the IC Title and the Tag Titles, but never became the top guy. Part of that reason was because he had an alcohol addiction that made it tough to trust him. Plus, there were other guys on the roster that got the chance before him. It’s not a question of talent with him.
Goldust has always been very good. That’s why he was wrestling for WWE back in 1991 and later became a regular in WCW when he was in his early 20s. They called him “The Natural” for a reason. He made it all look easy. Still does. That’s why last year when he returned to WWE to team with his brother Cody he turned heads when he was still able to put on entertaining matches.
His return has done wonders for his career. Putting him in a tag team with his brother has helped him stay fresh. There’s less wear and tear when you are doing tag matches. Now that they’re doing the Stardust gimmick with Cody it’s meant a lot of backstage segments for them too.
He may wrestler for another year, but he’s clearly winding down. He’ll likely work for WWE as a trainer or backstage agent (he’s done that before) whenever he retires. It’s the family business, after all.


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