Saturday 2 August 2014

Forecasting The Future Of 10 WWE Stars In Their 40s 9

9. Big Show

Age: 42
Big Show is at the point in his career where he comes and goes a lot of the time. While he’s not as much of a part timer as some of the others on this list, he’s taken various breaks over the years like when he had minor injuries, filming a movie (his most recent absence) or simply getting taken off TV because he needs a break.
Show has been in WWE for 15 years, he’s won every major title there is to win and has done a heel or face turn pretty much every year of his career. There’s really nothing else he can do that will seem new.
Where Show still has value is that of a big guy with credibility. He’s one of the biggest guys ever. They could put him in a feud with somebody like Rusev, have some very physical matches and have Rusev go over. That’s where Show’s value is now. His days as a main event title contender are long gone as evidenced by his flop of a feud with Randy Orton at Survivor Series last year.
He’s probably a WWE lifer that can continue to get acting roles in his post wrestling career, which is soon. His career has been a huge success especially for somebody as big as he is. It’s not that easy to be as durable as he’s been.


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