Saturday 2 August 2014

Forecasting The Future Of 10 WWE Stars In Their 40s

10. Christian

Age: 40
It’s been a rough couple of years for Christian. Considering he started in WWE in 1998 and rarely got injured in his career for over a decade (including a three year stint in TNA), he’s had a rough luck of injuries in the past few years. The main problems were his concussions as well as shoulder surgery. His most recent television appearances were only as part of the pre-show panel at Money in the Bank and Battleground.
His best year as a singles performer was only three years ago in 2011 when he starred on the Smackdown brand in a feud with Randy Orton. He thrived as a conniving heel.
Looking ahead, it seems unlikely that he’s ever going to get a significant push again. If he does return to the ring perhaps they could put him in a tag team as a veteran that could help a younger wrestler. Maybe he could
He seems like a good fit to be a trainer at NXT or work backstage. He’s got a sharp wit too, so if he wanted to be an announcer he could be that too. The end of his in-ring career seems to be upon us.


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