Saturday 2 August 2014

Forecasting The Future Of 10 WWE Stars In Their 40s 6

6. Rob Van Dam

Age: 43
When Rob Van Dam returned to WWE last summer it was done because he got a nice contract that allowed him to work for about four months and then take a break until he wanted to come back. What became evident quickly was that he really started to show his age. Fans may chant “you still got it” at him once in a while because he can still do some aerial moves, but let’s not pretend like he’s close to what he 13 years ago when he started in WWE.
He has always been that guy that beats to the tune of his own drum. By that I mean that he basically does what he wants, when he wants. He’s not some corporate stooge or somebody that feels like he owes his life to WWE. He likes performing in the ring and on the WWE stage (he’s definitely more happy than he was in TNA), but if he never wrestles in WWE again he’d probably be fine with that too.
The door is likely open for him to come and go as he pleases as long as he can still do it because there’s value in him putting over younger heel wrestlers. However, he’s not going to be winning any more major titles or anything like that. He’s a serviceable veteran at this point.


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