Sunday 3 August 2014

10 Feuds Worthy Of The Rock’s WWE Return 2

2. Daniel Bryan

This is more of a dream match than it is something that needs to happen, but there is no denying that Daniel Bryan vs. The Rock would be a huge draw. Bryan became the most popular Superstar in WWE, but he is currently out for an undetermined amount of time due to a neck injury. When he eventually return, WWE will want to put him back in the spotlight in a big way. What would be bigger than a match with The Rock?While both are extremely popular with the crowd, these two possess very different skills that would make for a very interesting bout. The Rock is all about the big moves and the crowd interaction, while Daniel Bryan is more focused on technical aspects of the game, though he is known to get the crowd going when he starts getting revved up. I’m going deaf just thinking about how loud the arena would be during this bout.
With regards to the storyline for this match, that is where it gets difficult. There isn’t much of a reason for these two men to face off, but that has never stopped WWE before. All they would need is some kind of excuse like The Rock hitting on Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan being jealous. One line about pancakes and a girlish laugh from Brie would be enough to set Bryan off and have him possible even attack The Rock to set things up.


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