Sunday 3 August 2014

10 Feuds Worthy Of The Rock’s WWE Return 3

3. Chris Jericho

One of the last remaining Superstars from The Rock’s boom period is Chris Jericho, and the two of them have quite a history to build a new program today. Jericho not only defeated The Rock on his way to winning the Undisputed Championship, but he debuted in WWE while interrupting Rocky during one of his signature promos. One final match between two of the most charismatic Superstars of all time would be something worth building a WrestleMania around.Ideally, Jericho would be a heel during this feud, but he wouldn’t have to be to make it work. Having the two face off as babyfaces would split the crowd, making for some great interaction during the match. Like Stone Cole, Jericho and Rock could just go out there and talk for 10 minutes to set up a match with no plans ahead of time, but there are plenty of past issues between the two to build upon. Everything could start out friendly and respectful, but all would it take is one of them saying they were better than the other and it would be on.
Normally I would have included the segment where Jericho debuted and interrupted the mic, but that has been shown to death and I thought this interview was funnier.


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