Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 9

9. Less Comedy

Everyone likes a good laugh and WWE fans are no different. There have been some very entertaining moments through the years in that company, by some very funny guys that made every segment just a blast to watch. Mick Foley, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, even Stone Cold Steve Austin, all brought their senses of humor to the table.
However, somewhere along the way that humor seems to have been lost. Now, the company uses Superstars that are nothing more than comedy acts. While this has been done many times before in WWE, the fact is that it’s still being done today and many fans have no idea why.
As with the idea of using guest musicians, the notion of using joke gimmicks for cheap laughs in the modern era seems a bit unnecessary. After all, this is an era populated by Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton. Considering the intensity that all of these stars bring and the great work they deliver, the question becomes why would WWE still feel the need to get stupid goofy at a moment’s notice?
The fact is, fans don’t want this. A few comedy bits here and there are fine; they lighten the mood of a crowd that is perhaps emotionally drained from watching an intense match. In those instances, some humor is needed and in small doses can become very entertaining moments of the night.
However, when two grown men are dressed like Mexican matadors and are accompanied to the ring by another man dressed like a bull? Enough is enough.
Again, a little humor here and there is fine. But when fans find themselves rolling their eyes in one comedy segment after another? There’s nothing funny about that.


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