Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 8

8. Plausible Diva Storylines

The Divas division in WWE has been the subject of very spirited debate for several years now. The reason for that is due to the commonly held belief among fans that the women in that company are just not being given what they need to succeed. The issue use to be that the Divas were treated like sex objects; now they’re being treated like reality stars. And some fans have just as much of a problem with that.
While Total Divas is a hit, it does very little to strengthen the division whatsoever. In fact some would argue that it’s an even bigger mess than before and it does not appear to be changing anytime soon.
At the root of the problem here is the storylines. The male Superstars are given their fair share of angles that spotlight realistic motivations and real world situations. Betrayal, anger, greed, power, ambition, these are all used fairly consistently in the men’s division and provides the backdrop for the matches themselves.
On the Divas side however, fans are treated to Natalya being upset that her paintings were criticized. That alone constituted more than one match and honestly, it’s not gotten much better than that. The only real bright spot as of late has been the situation between AJ and Paige, which has more closely resembled an angle that fans would see in the men’s division.
Having said that however, the truth is that AJ is the Divas champion yet she is not a Diva the way the company portrays them. Stephanie McMahon is in the top storyline in the division yet she’s also not a Diva and not a wrestler. Just when it seemed like things could not be worse, there’s Eva Marie who does not seem capable of doing anything.
The fact is that fans want something more from the Divas. While there will always be a segment of the male audience that tunes in only in hopes of seeing a wardrobe malfunction, the majority of fans want to see the Divas at their best. The only way to accomplish that is for WWE to offer exciting, intense rivalries that keep fans interested and keep them coming back for more.


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