Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 7

7. Jim Ross

When the whispers of WWE wanting to make a change at the lead commentator position first began online, many fans likely thought it was all just a rumor. After all, Jim Ross had been the voice of the company since 1993 and though his tenure was not a constant, he was always brought back and was always considered to be a huge part of the WWE family.
So when the company began making noise that Michael Cole was being groomed to take J,R.’s spot sooner rather than later, it did seem like a slap in the face to many fans. The company supposedly wanted to go with someone younger, someone that the audience could more readily identify with.
However, the audience didn’t seem to want that. They wanted J.R. WWE was evidently not prepared to discuss it though, as they kept moving forward with Cole. Ross was ever so subtly moved to the side more and more until suddenly the man that had guided WWE’s broadcasts during the bulk of the Monday Night Wars was relegated to SmackDown back in 2008.
Cole took over on Raw and J.R. kept suffering through the same back and forth that he had endured for years in the company. He was used on TV in storylines he had no business being in and was also used to get other guys over at his own expense. WWE seemed hellbent on embarrassing Ross and they did so on more than one occasion.
But what the company does not understand about fans in this whole situation is that we never wanted this. We did not want Jim Ross to go anywhere. And while the company supposedly wanted to move on, the fans consistently said no. The real issue here is that once again, WWE did the thinking for its audience. Treating Ross the way they did was indicative of how arrogant the company could be at its worst and is just another example of how they do not understand what the fans really want.
Ross has moved on now and is officially done with WWE. While he seems to be genuinely happy and ready for the next chapter of his life, that has not stopped fans from wanting him back again. What three men now do on Raw, J.R. could more than do by himself. Fans want Jim Ross and they likely always will.


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