Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 6

6. Realistic Situations

Part of the problem when it comes to the ever growing divide between WWE and its fanbase has been the company’s insistence on force feeding stars and situations that are just not real. Fans know they’re watching a pro wrestling presentation and expect to be worked from start to finish but if they feel like they’re being talked down to? Fans can see through the phoniness that’s presented to them and for WWE to believe we can’t is an absolute insult.
After Roman Reigns sabotaged Stephanie McMahon’s coffee, she supposedly got so sick that she was able to stand upright and projectile vomit right in the face of Vickie Guerrero. During Vickie’s last night on Raw, she hurled Stephanie into a swimming pool full of what fans were lead to believe was excrement.
Hugh Jackman stood in the middle of the ring and pretended that Damien Sandow had the ability to use magnetic powers as sound effects were played for the audience. The Big Show came back to Raw and even though he was supposedly fired, his entrance music played anyway.
Virtually none of the participants in a Hell in a Cell or an Elimination Chamber match show any ill effects the next night on Raw. Randy Orton is presented as the face of WWE under The Authority’s protection, yet he is practically left on his own through the bulk of his title run. The list unfortunately, goes on and on.
The small things make all the difference and the devil is in the details. If WWE wants us to buy in then the situations must be more realistic and the people involved not as phony, The ability to suspend disbelief is the only way to accept and enjoy what we’re seeing in and out of the ring. If that goes, so too does the product itself.


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