Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 5

5. Old school Angles

Dean Ambrose’s recent war with Seth Rollins is one that has brought both excitement and drama to WWE. Ambrose is out for revenge against the man that betrayed both he and Roman Reigns, forever dismantling The Shield and ending the run of WWE’s most dominant faction.
Now this is a pro wrestling storyline and it’s absolutely working in every way. This is what WWE needs more of; clear, simple, straight storylines and angles that may not be complex but are extremely entertaining to their very core. The business was built upon the idea that two men have a conflict and they settle their differences in a wrestling ring.
Any variation of this basic premise is just fluff and all the gimmicks in the world will not provide a great story if there’s not one there to begin with.
This angle is not about Randy Orton complaining about who the face of WWE should be. It’s also not about The Authority, the corporate heel group that feels no pain and is able to consistently wave off every attack thrown its way. This is not a confused Superstar in Damien Sandow attempting to find himself while being made to look like a fool in the process. It’s also definitely not about John Cena moving from one opponent to the next while really helping no one along the way.
This is about two guys that just want to fight and fans want more of this.
Rollins versus Ambrose is not over with the crowd just because of The Shield’s popularity or because of what the two men could potentially be in the future for the company. This feud is over because it plays right into what a pro wrestling presentation should be; two guys that just want to beat each other up.
It cannot get any simpler than that.


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