Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 4

4. Recognition For The Company’s Success

WWE fans catch a lot of heat. The majority of that heat can come from those who don’t watch the product, from other fans and even from the company itself. Despite how much grief fans have to endure, the truth is that without us WWE would not exist today. And for many, it’s high time that the company acknowledged that.
If the Monday Night Wars proved anything, it’s that the audience has the real power. Both WCW and WWE were pulling out all the stops in order to win the battle for ratings and in the middle of that struggle were the fans. The fact is that there was no better place to be at that time.
The fans were the ones that made the nWo an overnight success and dictated that Goldberg not only deserved their support but that he should be a top guy. Ted Turner’s company made serious waves thanks to the men that made up the locker room, there is no doubt about that but it was their fanbase that kept them on top.
However it was also the fans that decided they were growing tired of the same old routine week in and week out from WCW and turned the channel to watch WWE. Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Mankind, The Undertaker, they all got over and stayed over thanks to the crowds that came and watched at home. WWE won because they made the right moves at the right times and because the fans backed them up all the way.
Years after the fact, WWE keeps releasing DVD’s and documentaries on that era. The company pats itself on the back for a job well done and then continues to plug away with the current product. While no one can argue with the work that their talent did to succeed back then, the fact remains that without fans, they never would have made it.
Fans are talked down to, they are criticized for being overly critical themselves and they are subjected to silly storylines that make very little sense to anyone. WWE seems to have forgotten the impact the audience had for them then and has for them now. Fans want that to change.


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