Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 3

3. Wrestling

This is the easiest one on the countdown and the one that should be on every fan’s list. The fact is that of everything that the audience needs or wants to see, it’s the wrestling that brings us all together.
Without the in-ring action, WWE is just an entertainment company fighting to gain a foothold with its audience. They would be no different from any other sort of company that sought to make money on TV or in Hollywood. Of course they would also not have a solid fanbase that has supported them and continues to tune in each week.
Vince McMahon may have taken WWE into other directions over the years and he may believe that “wrestling” is a dirty word but for the fans, nothing could be further from the truth. With some of the most talented workers in the industry today, WWE is more than capable of putting on a truly great pro wrestling program from start to finish.
However that is not always what we see. Oftentimes, both Raw and SmackDown can get bogged down with promos and seemingly endless flashbacks from the program before. And while the company has somewhat improved the flow of its programming for the most part, the truth is that “pass the mic” gets very boring and very tiresome to watch.
Fans want the wrestling. That is what brought us to the table and it’s what keeps us coming back. Wrestling is the reason Daniel Bryan got over the way he did and why both Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are applauded every week that they’re on TV. The wrestling is what matters and even though Vince doesn’t want to talk about it, it’s no less true.


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