Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE 10

10. No Musical Guests

Many fans are into music. And many fans are into the current artists of the day. The demographic for both WWE and MTV is very similar and because of that, Vince McMahon’s company has seemingly always felt the need to crossover in an attempt to get ratings. After all, if a rapper or singer can bring some of their fans with them then that’s good for business right?
However, the problem is that theory does not seem to work now. The ideas that once fueled The Rock ‘n’ Wrestling Connection in the 1980′s were great for its time and the work done during that era expanded WWE’s audience. Vince’s company went from being just a territory to being a staple of American pop culture and it just got bigger from there.
In the modern era though, WWE is such a worldwide phenomenon and so deeply ingrained in entertainment circles that there is no real need to bring in any musician to help them get anywhere. In fact both musicians and celebrities are used very sparingly at WrestleMania now, if at all.
Yet anytime WWE can bring one in for Raw or for a pay-per-view, they do. Flo Rida’s recent appearance on Raw was announced just one week prior and it served no real purpose for the program whatsoever. He performed the theme song from WrestleMania 28; an event that occurred two years ago.
The fact is that fans pay to see WWE, not MTV. A mini concert does nothing but slow down the card and also takes away a segment that could have been used for a Superstar that perhaps didn’t get booked that night. Fans came to see wrestling, not rapping. And somehow, WWE does not seem to understand that.


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