Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Things Fans Want From WWE

10 Things Fans Want From WWE

There are two types of realities as it pertains to WWE. One is the reality of what the company wants and the other is the reality of what the fans want. In some instances, they are one and the same. When that is the case, it’s typically a good day for both sides.
However, there is not always such harmony between WWE and its fans. Oftentimes, what one side wants directly conflicts with the other. Truth be told, this is usually the way it goes and at this point the WWE faithful are used to it.
Now the question is, why the divide? Why does such a separation exist between Vince McMahon’s company and the masses he invites to view his programming week in and week out? Make no mistake about it; there is definitely a rift between each side and that rift can either be a simple disagreement or it could be very dramatic in terms of how it affects everyone involved.
The fact is that for fans, the answer is very simple; WWE just does not understand. Call it being out of touch with the times, call it unfamiliarity with the current generation, call it what you will. The point is that despite how it’s labeled, the great disconnect that usually exists here is mostly due to fans feeling so misunderstood they would rather stop watching than to put up with it anymore.
At the end of the day, fans want what they want. Despite whether or not the company agrees, nothing will ever change that…


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