Sunday 20 July 2014

10 Reasons WWE Fans Are Sick Of John Cena (6)

6. His Sense Of Humor

Before his first run at the top began and before the advent of WWE’s PG Era, John Cena was one of the edgiest Superstars in Vince McMahon’s locker room. He was cocky, he was brash and he had the ability to bring the crowd to its feet just by cutting a promo. Fans never knew what was coming next and it was not rare to watch the crowd cover their mouths and turn to each other wide eyed after Cena delivered a scathing off-color joke.
These days? Not so much.
The issue that many fans have with John and the reason that so many are so sick of him lies in his sense of humor. The fact is that John’s moments of being truly funny are few and far between. These days he is just as quick to pull out a corny joke or weak insult as he was an edgy line back in the day.
This John Cena is the direct result of what PG programming has done to the WWE product. While no one likely expected John to keep his thug gimmick as he became the kid friendly Superstar, the truth is that they were surely hoping for a character with a little more teeth.
But most of the time, he doesn’t have any.
The problem however is not just that his jokes and anecdotes are bad but that he tends to use them at the wrong time. Instead of showing respect to Bray Wyatt and recognizing the threat that the posed to WWE, John instead chose to openly mock him on live television.
Cena at times cuts the type of promos that only heels cut. He insults his opponents, he makes fun of them and he belittles who they are whether they could draw money one day or can draw right now. And he does it all with a smile on his face. For many fans, it’s just too much to take.


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