4. Ted DiBiase Jr.
Unfortunately the WWE felt it was appropriate to drag up his father’s gimmick once he split from Rhodes and Orton – they even pinned the Million Dollar Championship around his waist. They even brought back Virgil to even further emphasise how much they wanted him to copy his father – but it was always doomed to end in failure.
By the time DiBiase publicly acknowledged copying his father’s gimmick just didn’t work, he had suffered a pretty nasty fall from grace. Whilst Cody Rhodes went on and enjoyed a successful run as Intercontinental Champion, DiBiase was gradually heading towards his release from the company, which was confirmed in September 2013. That year, he had only wrestled once on WWE TV, beating Michael McGillicutty. A talented wrestler that’s still young enough to have a prolonged run with the company, if he was open to a return, Ted DiBiase, Jr. should be on the radar of WWE officials once again.

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