1. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler is one of the most talented wrestlers on the roster, but he can’t find a compelling character. For years he’s been used to put other wrestlers over, and make them look like a million bucks. The Showoff has received a few big matches and runs in his career only to sink right back into a rut.
Ziggler’s Peak: The night after WrestleMania 29, Ziggler cashed in his Money in the Bank contract on Alberto Del Rio. The crowd absolutely exploded, and it felt like a star was born. WWE decided to go with the old standby of having the champ lose all of his non-title matches with Ziggler, which hurt his momentum. He then suffered a concussion and had the title taken away from him.
Where he is Now: Ziggler is back in the mid-card, and has very little character development. He likes dyeing his hair and wearing pink shorts. That’s about all we know. He trades wins with his opponents without ever really getting anywhere. His babyface run is uninspiring, and he doesn’t look to be moving up the card anytime soon.
Chance of a Comeback: 40%. Ziggler is incredibly talented, and could get over again with the right push. He’ll get another chance to be a heel eventually, which he’s better suited for anyway. He’s only 33-years-old, but due to the high number of crazy bumps he’s taken, his body may age years before it should have.
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