Tuesday 12 August 2014

23 Ridiculous Lookalikes That Will Ruin WWE For You 8-7

8. Brock Lesnar & Raoul Moat

Brock Lesnar might portray himself as an angry beast but it was Raoul Moat who was the real scumbag with anger issues. In 2011, after shooting dead his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend and shooting and injuring a policeman, Moat went on the run for a week which resulted with him committing suicide.
Brock Lesnar on the other hand was arrested for trafficking in controlled substances after cops opened a package addressed to Lesnar that contained a ‘large amount of steroids. But four months after his January 2001 arrest, all charges were dropped and the police were very apologetic after lab tests showed that the substances were not steroids.

7. Big E & Carlton Banks

Big E might be treading water among the midcarders at WWE but if he wanted to stand out, we are sure an impromptu Carlton dance would do it.


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