Thursday 7 August 2014

15 WWE Stars Who Loved To Be Hated 7

7. Triple H

Perhaps one of the best heels in modern wrestling, Triple H followed in the footsteps of his iconic hero Ric Flair as being the measuring stick for WWE superstars when at the top of his game. ‘The Game’ wouldn’t hesitate to tell us about it either.
It’s a credit to Triple H that he’s been able to switch between face and heel so seamlessly down the years. The current COO of the company is now enjoying his latest heel run as the boss alongside wife Stephanie, but with most of his in ring days spent as the bad guy, the King of Kings loved being the antagonist to top babyface talent.Hunter proved in his runs as the Connecticut Blueblood, HBK’s partner in DX and as the leader of Evolution that he is truly at home in the heel role. With a smart business mind and aptitude for getting people over, Triple H is a natural.
Talk that he held people down during his time as an active member of the roster was rife for years, but now that he’s being groomed to be the head of WWE affairs, Triple H needs to be a fair judge of character and talent. He’s not doing a bad job so far.


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