Wednesday 3 September 2014

10 Reasons WWE Is Better Than Your Real Life 1

1. Justice Can Be Served

In the real world, the guilty go unpunished and criminals are released from prison only to commit another crime. There are many days that a guy can watch the news and shake his head in disgust. Where is the day of reckoning? Where is the justice?
The answers to those questions can be found in WWE, where a Superstar is held accountable for his actions and justice is served on a weekly basis. A heel can only get away with so much evil until eventually a babyface makes him answer for his crimes. The only law in his way is The Authority and unlike in the real world, these men can get physical and you can defend yourself.
Much like in the old west when gunslingers solved their problems face to face, WWE is a world of instant vengeance and immediate justice. Wanting this sort of life in the real world may sound like a call to arms but it’s more like a desire to keep the peace and serve justice when it’s needed.
WWE is instant gratification and part of that mean
s that the guilty will pay for hurting others. In the real world, that is something that we will never see. Score the last point to Vince McMahon’s company. WWE, you win.


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