Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Undertaker’s 10 Most Shocking Controversies 3

3. The Satanic Virgin Sacrifice

Admittedly the Stephanie McMahon / Undertaker ‘unholy wedding’ ended up a hot angle, with the heroic Steve Austin making the save. However, aside from the corniness and hot conclusion, this was in essence an angle built around kidnap with connotations of a satanic virgin sacrifice, this was The Undertaker at his very darkest.
The satanic aspect of this was clearly controversial, especially in the bible belt of America where religious sensitivity is still a chief concern. Were sponsors and advertisers likely to be enamoured with this angle? Of course not, it’s stuff like this why WWE has gone toward a more safer product – it’s a lot easier for advertisers to sell cans of coke to conservative America when their placement isn’t coming off of a Satanic ritual.
It seems ridiculous now, but The Undertaker character really did stir controversy in this 90′s period, wider culture really did decry the WWF for promoting satanism. Fans actually wondered if Undertaker really was a practicing satanist. Looking back it seems silly, but within a year of this angle, Undertaker was repackaged as an American biker. Coincidence? Probably, but the Deadman character of that time was certainly a flag for controversy.


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