Monday 11 August 2014

10 WWE Stars Who Made Amazing Recoveries From Drug Addiction 3

3. Matt Hardy

After concerns were expressed about him being in no condition to perform, Matt Hardy was sent home from the late Summer 2010 WWE European tour.  He tried and failed to refute the rumors before deciding to rile up the company, being fired after he posted a video where he was eating lunch with an unmasked Rey Mysterio.  Soon after his firing, WWE outright banned the muscle relaxer Soma, which was blamed on Hardy by some in the business.

He showed up in TNA after his non-compete clause expired, and was famously described by various reporters as looking “glassy-eyed” and “bloated” in his debut.  He was eventually suspended for releasing a video where Jeff used a Taser on him and his (Matt’s) girlfriend (now wife).

From there, Matt completely spiraled out of control, and eventually had to agree to go to rehab to avoid paying $1 million to stay out of jail pending charges after a month filled with arrests and drama.  He was arrested for reckless driving, arrested for driving while impaired after running off the road into a tree (costing him his TNA job), got into a car accident where no charges were filed, jailed after his wife called 911 because he was “strung out on pills and needed help,” and, in one night, went on a late-night bender where he:
Tweeted a booty call message to his girlfriend and got his own phone number wrong.
Dropped his phone in a hot tub
Tore apart his house, which he then recorded a video of in its ransacked state to post on YouTube.
Had to be rushed to the hospital after falling down a flight of stairs.
He went to rehab (paid for by WWE), and while he got kicked out and switched to a new facility after a brief relapse, he’s largely been a different person ever since, the only exception being a domestic incident in January.  Wrestlers who were around him at his worst say he’s like a different person.


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