Monday 11 August 2014

10 WWE Stars Who Made Amazing Recoveries From Drug Addiction 9

9. Shawn Michaels

From the mid-’90s through well into the Attitude Era when he was a non-wrestler character, it was not uncommon for Shawn Michaels to be obviously slurring his words on television. It’s noticeable during a number of famous promos and angles, including the infamous “Sunny days” promo on Bret Hart. It came to a head when his initial return from his first retirement was actually called off due to him showing up in rough shape at a Raw taping in 2001.
Shawn didn’t go to rehab, though there were unsubstantiated rumors (circulated publicly by Killer Kowalski of all people) that his 1997 layoff for a knee injury was a cover for a stint in a treatment program. Instead, he got clean after his wife Rebecca got him on the course to a spiritual awakening, and he became a born-again Christian.
Given the religious aspects of 12-step programs, this probably isn’t that unusual.  Since then, he’s been a completely different person. Like Orton, all of the maturity issues vanished, and with them went the drug abuse.


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