Wednesday 6 August 2014

10 Shocking WWE Results You Never Saw Coming 2

2. The Montreal Screwjob (Survivor Series 1997)

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart from Survivor Series 1997 may as well be called “Old Faithful” in a conversation about shocking moments in wrestling. The internet existed in the late 1990s, but had not caught on to the extent that it would just a couple of years later, so dirtsheets had more of an underground aura. Some knew of Bret’s contract status, but not the masses. On the surface, then, Bret vs. Shawn was merely the culmination of an intense rivalry that had seen several twists and turns, at times exuding a certain authenticity that the often cartoonish world of pro wrestling had previously lacked. You knew that they legitimately disliked each other. Subconsciously, even the younger fans knew it.
Put yourself back in the mindset that you were in that night, if you will. Try to recall what it felt like when you saw HBK put Bret in the Sharpshooter. Earl Hebner overdramaticized asking the Hitman if he wanted to give up like a bad actor would a simple script line. “Ring the bell,” he shouted. Remember your emotion that immediately followed? Remember being confused and/or angry and/or disappointed, followed quickly by the jaw-dropping angst of the unknown as Bret got up and realized what was happening even if you didn’t, spitting in Vince McMahon’s face? Michaels much better played his part, storming off in a huff with the title.
As the fans pelted the ring with trash, Bret Hart wrote in air letters, “W-C-W.”
It simply does not get any more shocking than that.


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