Wednesday 6 August 2014

10 Shocking WWE Results You Never Saw Coming 1

1. Brock Lesnar Defeats Undertaker; Ends “The Streak” (WrestleMania XXX)

Brock breaking the Streak is at #1.
WrestleMania XXX was a night of extremely high highs and very low lows. Nobody saw Lesnar beating Taker, sans for a lucky few that followed the betting odds and made some serious coin. The entire scenario screamed of a lame duck Streak match that would merely transition The Deadman to the final year or two of his career. Instead, Taker lost and may never be seen in a wrestling ring again. It was very old school of him, if that was truly the way that he chose to go out. For years, everyone from the smark Twitter ranter to the legendary Jim Ross lauded the approach that WWE would presumably take in making the fans aware of Taker’s final match and hyping it for a WrestleMania. Guess that would not have been very Undertaker of the Undertaker, though. He is a throwback to days gone by. Or so it would seem.
The Deadman took a third F5 from Lesnar and the referee counted one…two….THREE!?!
Unforgettable was the image of the fan sitting at ringside with his eyes popping out of his head as if to mimic with his body language the feeling that nearly every wrestling enthusiast around the world was experiencing: complete and utter shock.


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