Friday 29 August 2014

10 Reasons You Need To Respect John Cena 3

3. He Can Tell An In-Ring Story Like Nearly No Other

He often catches a lot of flack from fans for the fact that he doesn’t possess Dean Malenko’s level of in-ring prowess, but let’s be completely honest with each other for a moment… he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t need to have 5,000 different moves in his arsenal, because he knows how to tell a story in the ring better than just about anyone in the business today, bar none. Even when he isn’t doing much of anything, like against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam, he tells a fantastic story, as a man who was facing incredible odds against an unstoppable machine. Taking the beating he took sold the entire thing, and… off topic… who else at his stature would have been willing to look like that in a pay-per-view main event for his promotion’s biggest prize?
You don’t get to participate in as many great matches and Match Of The Year candidates as Cena has by being as bad in the ring as some of you have seen people make him out to be. Once again, you’re not going to confuse his mat work with Daniel Bryan or Eddie Guerrero, but he uses his facial expressions, his body language, and his know-how of the business to his advantage. He can do what it takes, at just the right time, to draw a reaction out of live crowds. Sometimes that reaction is positive, and sometimes it’s negative, but he knows how to bring both out. Not only does he know how to do it, he cherishes it. Even playing as a babyface, he understands that there is a large portion of the fan base that wants to boo and jeer him, and he played that up. He’s worked as a heel before, so he knows how to “troll” people and make them hate him even more, and he continues doing that to this day. Speaking of that, though…


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