Sunday 3 August 2014

10 Feuds Worthy Of The Rock’s WWE Return

Who is worthy of going one on one with The Great One?

It’s no secret that The Rock is willing to get back inside the WWE ring if the opponent and the payday add up to the right situation for everyone, but that means he won’t just return for anyone. It has to be someone who is not only deserving of a top-level feud against The Rock, but someone who makes a reasonable opponent through good storytelling.
WWE management would be forgiven for bringing The Rock back for just about any reason, but the better the opponent, the better the resulting feud. After all, it wouldn’t make much sense for The Rock to return to feud with Bo Dallas or Sin Cara because the feud would be pointless and fans would be wondering why Rocky was wrestling someone below his level. Whoever faces The Rock has to be a legitimate star with major heat or support from the crowd.
He’s had a handful of matches over the past few years with John Cena, CM Punk and a tag match against R-Truth and Miz, which means there is still a large portion of the roster who have not been in the ring with The Rock in close to a decade or any time in their career. Some of those names are veterans with several years under their belt and some of them have only been around for a short time, but have already made huge impacts.
This slideshow will look at 10 opponents who would be worthy of a feud with The Rock and storyline possibilities to make the program work.


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