Thursday 31 July 2014

WWE: 10 Best Opening PPV Matches Ever 5

5. Money In The Bank Ladder Match Won By Ken Kennedy @ WrestleMania 23

Here’s the listing of everybody that was in this ladder match: Mr. Kennedy, CM Punk, Edge, Finlay, Jeff Hardy, King Booker, Matt Hardy and Randy Orton.
It was a really good mix of veterans with younger guys, so it was hard to know who was going to win among the eight guys in the match. A lot of people thought it might be Orton just because he hadn’t won one at that point in his career although he was a main eventer already. If they were going to make somebody into a bigger star then there were some good choices in this group.
The most memorable part was when Jeff Hardy destroyed Edge by leaping off that 12 foot ladder and driving him through a ladder that was set up outside the ring. There was a tweet by Edge recently where he said that this was his way of letting Jeff Hardy pay him back because at WrestleMania 17 it was Edge that nailed Hardy with a Spear off a ladder.
The finish was good too. Kennedy destroyed Punk with the ladder to the face. It didn’t come off as a lucky win. It put Kennedy over by having him outsmart Punk in the end. This was a strong opening match and one of the better Money in the Bank matches too.


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