Thursday 31 July 2014

WWE: 10 Best Opening PPV Matches Ever 6

6. Bray Wyatt Vs. Daniel Bryan @ Royal Rumble 2014

The 2014 Royal Rumble PPV wasn’t a great show. In fact, a lot of people hated it just because Daniel Bryan didn’t play a part in the titular match even though he should have been, instead working the opening match against his rival Bray Wyatt. As you probably remember, Wyatt tried to turn Bryan into a member of the Wyatt Family and we even got the “Daniel Wyatt” character for a few weeks until Bryan got his revenge.
It was an outstanding opener: the pair had a very physical brawl with several great spots throughout. They told a couple of stories in the match with Bryan working over Wyatt’s knee and Wyatt was going after the head/shoulder area of Bryan from the beginning. With the announcers talking about Bryan’s concussion it helped tell the story they were going for.
When Bryan locked Wyatt into the Yes Lock it looked like he was going to win, but Wyatt countered by biting his hand. The finish was brilliant too. Bryan went for his dive outside the ring. Wyatt caught him and gave him the Sister Abigail swinging neckbreaker into the barricade. That was such a vicious move. Wyatt rolled him back in for the Sister Abigail and the decisive finish. The crowd really hated the ending because of how hot Bryan was at the time.
This match made Wyatt look like a star because it was the biggest match in his career so far. As expected, any match that Bryan has that goes over 20 minutes is going to be great and Wyatt showed that he could keep up with him. The fans chanting “this is awesome” was justified. These two went all out and they delivered the goods in terms of having an amazing match in the opener.


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