Thursday 31 July 2014

WWE: 10 Best Opening PPV Matches Ever 9

9. The Rockers Vs. The Orient Express @ Royal Rumble 1991

This is the oldest match on the list with one of WWE’s most exciting tag teams ever, The Rockers comprised of Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty, taking on the The Orient Express, who were Tanaka and Kato managed by Mr. Fuji.
The Rockers were the perfect team to open PPVs because there was nobody more exciting than them in the early 1990s. They could have an entertaining tag match with anybody. They would do things that other teams couldn’t do. Kato and Tanaka weren’t a major tag team, but they were skilled workers that could keep up with the Rockers so that’s why they were able to have a memorable match here.
They had a really even match for the majority of it until the Orient Express isolated Michaels in their corner. Once he broke free, the crowd erupted with Jannetty tagging in and cleaning house for the team.
What was unforgettable about the match was the finish. Kato did a slingshot to Jannetty, who ended up jumping over Tanaka in a sunset flip for the win. Old school tag team wrestling. Great to watch.


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