Thursday 31 July 2014

WWE: 10 Best Opening PPV Matches Ever 10

10. ECW Title Ladder Match: Christian Vs. Shelton Benjamin @ TLC 2009

It was a smart move by WWE to start the 2009 TLC PPV with a Ladder match between Christian and Shelton Benjamin because they’re two guys who always starred in ladder matches. Since 2009 was also the first year that they did a TLC PPV in the month of December, they did the right thing by starting it off with a classic like this one.
We’ve gotten so used to Money in the Bank ladder matches with six or more guys involved that sometimes we don’t appreciate it when it’s one on one but Christian and Shelton went all out to put on a show. There were creative spots throughout with guys hitting moves off the ladder like Shelton’s somersault dive, using the ladder and even a spot where each guy was hanging onto the title. We’ve seen guys do Powerbombs off the ladder, but they changed it by having Christian turn it into a hurricanrana. Christian also battled an eye injury that caused him to bleed, so he was working through it too.
The finish of the match was amazing with Benjamin lying on a ladder that was bridged from the announce table to the side of the ring. Christian went to the top rope and gave him a splash that actually broke the ladder in half. It was a very innovative spot that was done to set up the finish with Christian winning.
This match is a sneaky great match because it was all too easily – and unjustly – forgotten after it was over. They went all out to have a tremendous ladder match where they put their bodies on the line and that deserves acknowledgement.


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