9. His Boy Scout Attitude

But not John Cena. Don’t even think about it.
This is at the core of who John Cena’s character is and why so many fans are so over him at this point. The bottom line is, it’s simply just not believable that a Superstar like Cena could exist in the modern day WWE.
When he’s pushed, he smiles. When he’s booed, he laughs and makes jokes. When his very livelihood is threatened and his career on the line, he does all of the above times 10. Cena’s “aw shucks” attitude is just not real and seems incredibly out of place for any Superstar on any level.
When CM Punk dropped the pipebomb on Raw back in 2011 and focused his efforts on beating John Cena at Money in the Bank, John did not step up to defend the company that his opponent had attacked. He instead lobbied for Punk to keep the title shot against him that year even though Vince McMahon said no.
He gave up two WWE Championship shots in order to hep both Zack Ryder and Ryback get opportunities to succeed in 2011 and 2012 respectively. Following his loss to The Rock at WrestleMania 28 in a match that he said was the most important of his life, John came out on Raw and proclaimed that The People’s Champion was the greatest WWE Superstar of all time. He then wanted to shake hands with him.
He takes the high road when he’s booed by fans. He never loses his resolve and he never has an off day. He wins in matches that he spends 85% of the time on his back and he never seems to feel any pain mere moments after a beat down.
And all of that adds up to a WWE Superstar that is quite simply just not believable.
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