Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 Most Hated WWE Superstars Right Now 5

5. John Cena 

John Cena is not on this countdown by default and the only reason he’s not ranked higher is because he is consistently one of the most hated Superstars on the card without fluctuation. He belongs on this list and every one like it, and excluding any major changes, he always will. Despite how much work WWE has done to get Cena over as a babyface, it just does not work because he is truly despised by so many fans that in any other situation, the company would have made the turn by now. To do so with Cena would be an exercise in futility and everyone knows that.
The moment a guy goes heel, he instantly gets on the fans’ radar: where once stood a boring protagonist was now a captivating antagonist with a new breath of life in his career. Depending on how much work WWE did with him, he would get so much attention that he would perhaps be a bit overexposed. The more he got over as a heel, the more praise he would receive from fans that appreciated his efforts, and before long, the crowd would begin to love him again and then WWE would have no choice but to make him turn again.
This is absolutely what would happen with Cena and while all of that sounds perfectly fine to most fans, the company strongly disagrees. To them, there is no point in turning John heel because they know they would just have to turn him face again fairly soon. So they choose instead to leave him where he is, guaranteeing a continuation in the gleeful hate he attracts.


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