Thursday 11 September 2014

10 Modern day WWE Superstars who would've flourished in the Attitude Era

#10 John Cena

No, this is not the current Cena that sticks tightly to his hustle, loyalty and respect, I’m talking about the doctor of Thuganomics. In fact the current Cena wouldn’t have survived the Attitude Era as he is a good role model which wasn’t the idea back then.
However, the hip hop gimmick of Cena would’ve fit well into the surrounding as it no parent would’ve wanted their child to grow up like that.
The Cena back then was more relied on microphone skills than his in ring performance which was some sort of motto back during the Attitude Era. A rapper would’ve been successful hands down back then, too bad that Cena started off in the Ruthless Aggression era.


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