Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Undertaker’s 10 Most Shocking Controversies 8

8. Burying Diamond Dallas Page

Did you know The Undertaker destroyed the career of Diamond Dallas Page, just so that his own wife Sara could achieve some brief fame in the WWF?
Diamond Dallas Page had a decent profile from his WCW days when WWE picked up the brand in 2001. As a former World Champion, Page might have expected at least some sort of status in WWE, and reportedly ran over to Vince McMahon for a hug upon debuting in the company.
Unfortunately for Page, McMahon didn’t reciprocate this enthusiasm. Page ended up being booked in a feud with The Undertaker, but it wasn’t a good spot, his role was purely to get squashed by The Deadman. It was far more than just your average jobber experience though, DDP’s summer 2001 run was a full on destruction of his character. WWE cast Page as ‘the stalker’ of Undertaker’s wife Sara, a role which served for Taker to basically beat Page up without response. The gimmick was the absolute pits, featuring video segments such as the following -When DDP finally unmasked he got beat up by Undertaker and wife Sara got in on the action too. When she pinned Page on Raw it marked the final end of any chance he might have had in getting over in WWE. Undertaker and his wife had gave Page absolutely nothing, running over him in a way that effectively killed his career.


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